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7m. 8m,
Pool Diagram
Boasting numerous awards and commendations Summertime Pools Lonsdale range is a market leading favourite. Open, spacious and luxurious, the Lonsdale has ample room for both leisure and fitness. The side step and seating configuration ensure that the main pool body is left open for large groups to splash about together or laps to be swum by the avid swimmer. With versatility in mind, this range is offered in 4 sizes, ensuring there is a Lonsdale to suit backyards of every size. Size Options: 7m, 8m, Key Features: * Large, open swimming area * Wading area and gradual depth increase * Child safe ledge around entire perimeter * Easy access central step & seating configuration * Convenient corner steps * High quality, long-lasting fibreglass shell * Easy clean and maintenance